TUGraz Topicslider

  • Coherent Sensing: Das Institut für Experimentalphysik der TU Graz entwickelt ein neuartiges UV-Breitband-Spektrometer, das kontinuierliche Echtzeitanalysen von Luftschadstoffen sowie deren Interaktion mit anderen Gasen und Sonnenlicht ermöglicht.
    Broadband near-ultraviolet dual comb spectroscopy
    Lukas Fürst, Adrian Kirchner, Alexander Eber, Florian Siegrist, Robert di Vora and Birgitta Bernhardt In: Optica Vol. 11, Issue 4,  2024, https://doi.org/10.1364/OPTICA.516783

  • IEP visited the talk by Nobel laureate Anne l’Huillier @ÖAW in Vienna.

    “Attosecond Pulses for studying ultrafast electron dynamics” Impressive talk! And thanks for taking the picture with us.

  • Kolloquium zu den Nobelpreisen an der Montanuniversität in Leoben: Vortrag an der MUL „Attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter“ zur Würdigung des diesjährigen Physiknobelpreises an Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz und Anne l'Huillier

  • Reportage in der Kleinen Zeitung:

    Am Institut für Experimentalphysik an der Technischen Universität Graz schieben junge Forscher mit komplexen versuchen die Ränder unseres Wissens weiter hinaus.

  • Die TU Graz war Gastgeber der Roadshow der Jungen Akademie der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 13. Juni 2023.

    Das IEP war gleich mit zwei Beiträgen dabei.

  • Das Institut für Experimentalphysik der TU Graz revolutioniert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gruppe um F. Capasso / Harvard die Handhabung von extrem ultravioletter Strahlung um die Solarzellen und Prozessoren der Zukunft zu erforschen.

    Extreme Ultraviolet Metalens by Vacuum Guiding
    M. Ossiander, M. L. Meretska, H. K. Hampel, S. W. D. Lim, N. Knefz, T. Jauk, F. Capasso, M. Schultze
    Science Vol 379, Issue 6639 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adg6881

  • Our manuscript „The speed limit of Optoelectronics“ was selected as one of the 2022 Physics Breakthroughs:

    Here is the manuscript: https://rdcu.be/c1RLP

    and the Physics World story: https://physicsworld.com/a/physics-world-reveals-its-top-10-breakthroughs-of-the-year-for-2022/




  • How to make 2D materials with tailored holes: Scientists discover new open network structures in a combined helium scattering and DFT study, during on-surface synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride.

    Nanoscale Horizons


  • With the Austrian Science Fund’s (FWF) science prize endowed with 1.2 million euros, Marcus Ossiander is designing new nano-optics with the aim of building a microscope that can measure ultra-short chemical reactions with extreme precision.

    TUG Pressemeldung | FWF

  • Together with colleagues from MPQ/ Garching & TU Vienna we have explored how fast (opto-)electronic information technology can possibly get. Good news, there is still a few orders of magnitude processing speed we can make use of in the future.

    Nature Communications 13, 1620 (2022)

  • In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gruppe um F. Capasso / Harvard ist es gelungen ein neuartiges Schema zur Verkürzung ultrakurzer Laserimpulse zu demonstrieren. Congratulations Marcus!

    Slow light nanocoatings for ultrashort pulse compression
    M. Ossiander, Y.-W. Huang, W. T. Chen, Z. Wang, X. Yin, Y. A. Ibrahim, M. Schultze & F. Capasso
    Nature Communications 12, 6518 (2021)

  • We have recently discovered that free electrons solvated in superfluid helium can be accelerated with ultrashort laser pulses by means of laser-assisted electron scattering.

    Nature Communications 12, 4204 (2021) | TUG press release

  • She receives the renowned prize for her project to investigate the interaction between UV light and matter in spectral ranges that have not yet been extensively researched

    TUG Pressemeldung | ERC

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  • With her project Electronic Fingerprint Spectroscopy, Birgitta Bernhardt will develop a novel spectrometer that enables a closer look onto electron dynamics in molecules

    TUG Pressemeldung | FWF

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